本帖最后由 航老师 于 2023-4-25 10:54 编辑 <br /><br />a4d86b089443d968f1c14778db073083_a 本帖最后由 航老师 于 2023-4-21 11:03 编辑
迫不及待的用一下,粘结牢固,特别是盖口没计的很好,避免浪费还很好用 以前用的那个什么油性胶,干了之后很脆很硬,没几天就又开胶了。后面用这个软固补鞋胶,真的是又软又牢固,以后还会买 I think I understand how to use the shoe glue shit but because im AMERICAN & DONT SPEAK CHINESE OR JAPANESE or wtfe language it is that the dude is speaking in the video for the instructions on how to use the glue shit properly n i couldnt get the shit to where it was speaking English so that i could understand wut the fuck the dude was saying i cant say for sure that i know how to use the shoe glue because again shit wasnt in English n so i jst can go by what i watched/saw the dude doin to his shoe w the shit n i guess figure the shit out from that/my own.